Rental Background Checks

What’s Included in Rental Background Checks?

Landlords and property managers are often tasked with the responsibility of running rental background checks on potential tenants. This can be a daunting task, as a lot of information needs to be gathered and sorted through. In this article, we will discuss rental background checks and provide some factors to watch out for when conducting them.

1. Credit Score

An applicant’s credit score is one of the first things that a landlord or property manager will look at when conducting a rental background check. This number gives landlords insight into an applicant’s financial responsibility and whether or not they are likely to pay their rent on time. A low credit score may be a cause for concern, but it is not necessarily a deal-breaker. If this does concern you, consider hiring a professional company for tenant screening services for landlords to get a complete and accurate picture of your applicants. This will allow you to make the best decision for your property.

2. Rental History

A landlord will often look at an applicant’s rental history to determine whether they would make a good tenant. This information can be obtained from the applicant’s previous landlords. The rental history will show how long the applicant rented from their previous landlord, whether they paid their rent on time, or whether they caused any damage to the property. It will also show if the applicant was evicted from their previous rental unit. In addition to the rental history, the landlord may also want to check references from the applicant’s previous landlords. These references can provide valuable insight into an applicant’s rental history and help the landlord determine whether or not the applicant would be a good fit for their property.

3. Criminal History

A landlord may also run a criminal background check on an applicant. This is to ensure that the applicant does not have a criminal history that would make them a risk to the property or to other tenants. The landlord may want to check both state and national databases for this information. In some cases, the landlord may also require the applicant to provide a certified copy of their criminal history. Apart from that, you may even check what you should do with a criminal history record, as this will give you more ideas on how to deal when this kind of situation arises.


There you have it! These are some of the things that landlords need to look out for when conducting rental background checks. It is important to remember that each landlord and property is different so they may have different requirements for their applicants. However, these are some general guidelines that you can follow when conducting your own rental background checks.